Legends of the Elsir Vale - Chapter 1: Headin' Down to Goblin Town
After having a lungful of poison gas, the party continued on, discovering evidence of the Hucrele party in the form of a set of disarmed traps and the corpse of the ranger Karakas being munched on by some dire rats and their vicious, nasty, rat king. In the battle, Shiny contracted filth fever and the party utilized their potions of fire breath to dispose of the rats, but damaged the corpse of Karakas beyond recognition. Moving further into the Citadel, the party encountered a group of goblins practicing their accuracy at a makeshift archery range. Surprising the goblins, the party made short work of them and prevented them from summoning reinforcements. The party then discovered a goblin stockade, where four prisoners were being held: three kobolds from Meepo's tribe and a gnome called Erky Timbers. Erky told the party that he had been captured while on an ill-advised solo adventure some days before. He said he had not heard of the Hucreles, and somewhat begrudgingly agreed to tr...